Delivery and payment within Ukraine
We deliver by the following postal services:
Nova Poshta (delivery to a branch, to a post office or to a designated address)
ROZETKA Delivery (delivery to the pick-up point)
Ukrposhta (delivery to branch)
Delivery terms:
- If the order amount is more than 2400 UAH, delivery is free for the Client.
- Delivery is carried out according to the terms and rates of the relevant delivery services.
- If the ordered product is in stock in the store, delivery takes 1-3 days.
- If the ordered product is not in stock, delivery takes longer, taking into account the production time. The availability status and estimated delivery times are indicated on each product page.
Payment terms:
- Payment upon receipt of the order (the carrier may collect an additional fee for transferring money)
- Payment to a bank account (payment occurs when the order is ready for shipment)
International delivery (delivery outside Ukraine)
We provide international delivery by the following postal services:
Nova Poshta
Depending on the country, we may use the services of other postal companies that will be optimal for the Recipient's country.
International delivery terms:
- Delivery is at the expense of the Client.
- Delivery is carried out according to the terms and rates of the relevant delivery services.
- If the ordered product is in stock in the store, delivery takes 10-30 days, depending on the Recipient's country.
- If the ordered product is not in stock, delivery takes longer, taking into account production time.
Terms and payment methods:
(Payment is made when the order is ready for shipment)
- Payment to a bank account
- Payment via payment and transfer systems (PayPal and others)
We do not deliver to countries that take aggressive actions towards the state of Ukraine.